Virtualisation Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) for SMB
10 Oct 2014
Staying current with hardware and technology is a challenge for any organisation and especially for small to medium-sized businesses (SMB) with limited budgets. PCs are burdens to IT departments as they work to maintain, update and continually replace outdated, lost or stolen PCs.
Today every employee needs access to a computer but the costs associated with supplying everyone with a PC are far out too expensive. Business continuity is a top priority but traditional solutions are complex, expensive and require several costly third-party hardware components. Budgets are tight and you’re forced to do more with less.
What is a Virtualisation Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)?
It is a computing model that adds a layer of virtualisation between the server and the desktop PCs. By installing this “virtualisation” in place of a more traditional operating system, network and server administrators can provide end users with “access anywhere” capabilities and a familiar desktop experience, while simultaneously heightening data security throughout the organisation.
VDI Diagram
Key Benefits of VDI:
Greater Security
VDI hosts the desktop image in the data centre (or server room), organisations keep sensitive data safe in the corporate data centres—not on the end-user’s machine which can be lost, stolen, or even destroyed. VDI effectively reduces the risks inherent in every aspect of the user environment.
More productive end-users
With VDI, the end-user experience remains familiar. Their desktop looks just like their desktop and their thin client machine performs just like the desktop PC they’ve grown comfortable with and accustomed to.
VDI Allows One to Manage Many Support
A VDI environment allows your company’s information technology pros to centrally manage thin client machines, leading to a mutually beneficial experience for both end-users and IT admins.
Key Benefits to small business owner:
- Desktops can be set up in minutes, not hours
- Client PCs are more energy efficient and longer lasting than traditional desktop computers
- IT costs are reduced due to a fewer tech support issues
- Compatibility issues, especially with single-user software, are lessened
- Data security is increased
- Works with standard office software and supports multiple versions of Windows and Ubuntu Linux
- Reduces the per seat cost of a PC by more than 75%.
- Manages one virtual desktop OS for up to 100 end-users, reducing the number of operating systems to maintain by up to 97%.
- Green IT – Build “green” computer networks – reduce energy consumption by up to 90%.
XENON RADON TS Series server technology can improve the performance of MYOB, Peachtree, Sage, QuickBooks, SAP, Tally and many other windows applications by up to 10x faster. Fully appreciate the benefits that come with the ability to access these windows applications in real-time via a browser, iPhone, iPad, Smartphone, Android, Mac and Windows Desktop from anywhere in the world.
In addition, you’ll reduce operating costs, lower bandwidth consumption, and eliminate retraining and reengineering costs. And unlike some competitors who force a whole new application management structure, XENON’s solution leverages your existing management infrastructure investments. The net result is much faster Return On Investment.
Additional Benefits:
- Running your applications from a centralised location means less administration, less time spent updating applications.
- With your data centralised physical theft doesn’t mean the loss of important or sensitive data.
- Users can access their information independent in real-time via a browser, iPhone, iPad, Tablet, Smartphone, Android, Mac and Windows Desktop from anywhere in the world.
- With XENON RADON TS Series server, it provides you seamless application publishing service, remote applications appear no different to local applications.
- It enables you to start a remote sessions or one RemoteApp from any browsers (IE, Netscape, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) providing you freedom for any remote site access or traveling users.
- No user training required.
- XENON RADON TS Series server includes seamless client, load balancing, universal printer and much more.
Why Choose XENON RADON TS Series server?
Easy Deployment
Save time and money by centrally deploying existing applications via Application Publishing or Cloud computing solution.
The Transparent Solution
XENON RADON TS Series server is completely transparent to your users. Remote applications look and feel exactly the same as natively running applications. So you’ll save time and retraining costs.
The Secure Solution
XENON RADON TS Series server transmissions are fully encrypted using Microsoft RDP based technology. What’s more, your applications and mission-critical data remain secure on the server behind your corporate firewall. Only the application’s user interface is transmitted to client devices.
In addition it easy to Web-enable Windows applications for secure, cross platform deployment to local and remote users everywhere. Using the physical USB stick number to lock the client access program to one specific USB stick is adding a great level of security.
For more information:
Contact Us | T: 1300 888 030