eResearch was back in Brisbane in person in October 2022, the first in-person event since 2019 was a large gathering of the eResearch community at all levels.
The conference had a full three day program of sessions and an even fuller exhibition hall. Full details at the eResearch 2022 website here.
XENON is proud to support AeRO and the eReseach community and again was actively involved in the event: Presenting two talks, two posters on Wednesday afternoon, and we also were Bronze sponsors of the exhibition. Details are below, including download of the slides of the talks.
XENON eResearch Talks
Copies of slides and info from the talks:
- Future of Mass Storage and Large Scale Data Management
Bruce Gilpin, Co-Founder and CEO of Versity Software as special guest of XENON, spoke on Tuesday afternoon, 18 October. Versity Software provides a unique approach to archive and data management at scale, including “in-place” migration for a range of proprietary data formats including DMF , HPSS, Spectrum Archive, TSM, Oracle HSM (OHSM) and SAM-QFS.
Versity Software provides an open source file system, open source file format, and is the proven way to manage large scale data archives at low cost. Versity currently has over 1 Exabyte (1,000 PB) of data under management across the world. XENON has been proud to partner with Versity implementing their archive data management system for some of the largest eResearch data archives in Australia/New Zealand.
Download the PDF of Bruce’s talk here.
- Is (Your) eResearch ready for HPC/AI/DL-as-a-Service?
Dr Werner Scholz, spoke on Thursday morning, 20 October. Dr Scholz covered the growing trend of utilising cloud, or as-a-service IT infrastructure to support eResearch applications. His talk explored some of the challenges, including user expectations for quick and easy deployment, data security and data access. Managing the issues while capturing the agility of on-demand computing has created XENON Cloud – the cloud solution that is optimised for your eResearch workload, budget, and platform. XENON Cloud can run on-premises, off-premises, public cloud or multi-public-cloud – determined by what best suits your compute, data storage, security and budget requirements. Beyond the infrastructure, XENON also offers XENON Cloud as a managed service to help eResearch organisations bridge the skills gap to cloud.
XENON Cloud is up an running now for a number of projects, and is ready to provide as-a-service IT infrastructure for your project.
Download the PDF of Werner’s talk here for detailed overview of HPC/AI/DL-as-a-Service..
New XENON Case Studies for eResearch
Deakin Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute and WEKA
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (WEHI) and VAST
XENON Cloud and XENON +Services
XENON Plus Services
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