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Versity is the leading independent provider of software defined archive storage. Organisations around the world utilise Versity’s solution to archive large unstructured data sets in a high performance, scalable, low cost solution which can grow easily as the data size grows.

Versity ScoutAM (Scale Out Archive Manager) is a software-defined mass storage archiving technology that boasts the following features:


  • Enables high through-put archiving operations;
  • Software defined solution, independent of hardware vendors, agnostic as to hardware and cloud platforms;
  • Utilises open standard data formats;
  • Can read and archive proprietary data formats;
  • Provides intelligent, policy-driven archiving;
  • Facilitates long-term, highly cost-effective data preservation.

The ScoutAM environment incorporates ScoutFS, an open-source, POSIX-compliant scale-out archiving file system.

Any data landing in the ScoutFS filesystem can be automatically archived to tape, object, and/or cloud storage, based on archiving policies set by the storage administrator. While the metadata of archived data remains stored in the ScoutFS file system, their associated data blocks are moved from the ScoutFS file system to more cost-effective, higher-capacity, long-term storage media/systems.

Data can be ingested by ScoutFS via NFS, SMB, FTP and the Versity S3 gateway. Data can also be ingested directly by using Linux command line instructions to copy data into ScoutFS.

XENON Versity Data management platform

Multiple Format Compatibility for Legacy System Migration

Versity ScoutAM offers the added advantage of being able to read data directly from HPE DMF, IBM TSM data written from IBM GPFS/Spectrum Archive, IBM HPSS, and Oracle OHSM tape media.

This means migrating from these legacy systems can be executed easily without requiring major data conversion efforts. The legacy data can remain in its legacy format until it is recalled and updated, removing the need to undertake massive ingest and re-write projects.

Active Customer Base

Today, Versity boasts a large worldwide customer base, with Versity actively enhancing ScoutAM based on user feedback. This provides Versity with a robust roadmap for future development.

To enhance the ScoutAM user experience, Versity has established a User Group that meets at a regular basis (see details here).

XENON Systems takes pride in its partnership with Versity, boasting a strong and unparalleled track record in deploying Versity ScoutAM throughout the APAC region. One of these sites is at the Pawsey Supercomputer Centre in Perth, WA – where Versity also hosts their APAC user group. See the Pawsey story here.

For more information

For more information, please refer to the following:

Get your project started today, contact XENON to discuss how Versity can help you manage your archive, move off legacy systems, and embrace a low-cost, mass storage future.

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