• XENON Case Studies

Case Studies | Case Studies

XENON CSIRO GPU Computing Support Program banner
XENON CSIRO GPU Computing Support Program banner Robust Control of Continuum Robots using Cosserat Rod Theory

22 Nov 2018

XENON with CSIRO have collaborated to develop the XENON/CSIRO GPU Computing Support Program, aka Student Bragger which provides compute nodes in support of research projects and GPU computing in Australia.


XENON NVIDIA Image Processing with the Jetson TX2s
XENON NVIDIA Image Processing with the Jetson TX2s Image Processing with the Jetson TX2s

13 Jun 2018

The team from Monash Motorsports describes how they are using the NVIDIA Jetson TX2 to process images and identify objects in their autonomous vehicle research.


XENON NCI Case Study banner
XENON NCI Case Study banner XENON Expands Computational Resources at NCI for World Class Australian Research

20 Oct 2017

XENON delivers HPC expansion for National Computing Infrastructure (NCI), doubling the capacity available to Australian eResearchers and making the NCI HPC cluster the fastest in Oceania.


Searching for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) at Parkes with XENON servers

20 Jun 2017

XENON has delivered high performance computing and storage to the Parkes Observatory in New South Wales for the Breakthrough Listen project.


XENON Garvan Case Study
XENON Garvan Case Study XENON Brings Affordable 24×7 Genome Sequencing Computing Capability to the Garvan Institute to Enhance Genomic Discovery

14 Feb 2017

XENON delivers a new HPC solution for the Garvan Institute to support demands of biomedicine research now and into the future.


XENON WEHI Case Study 2017
XENON WEHI Case Study 2017 WEHI and XENON Design Private Cloud For Next Generation Cancer, Disease and Medical Research

13 Feb 2017

WEHI is the oldest research institution in Australia and the XENON team delivered a sophisticated private cloud solution that met their evolving and advanced needs.
