• XENON Case Studies

Case Studies | Case Studies

XENON CSIRO DGX1 banner NVIDIA Worked with HPC Provider XENON to Install the DGX-1 Supercomputers at CSIRO

20 Oct 2016

XENON delivers NVIDIA DGX-1 systems to CSIRO, accelerating research in health and biosecurity.


XENON UQ Flashlite Case study banner
XENON UQ Flashlite Case study banner UQ Supercomputer Installed by XENON Sets SPEC Benchmark World Records

05 Sep 2016

University of Queensland’s Research Computing Centre announced that its new data-intensive high performance computer, FlashLite, has set two world records to become the world’s most powerful shared memory server.


XENON OilSearch Case Study
XENON OilSearch Case Study Intel® and XENON Help Oil Search Dig Deeper Into Sub-Surface Oil and Gas Analysis

15 Jul 2016

XENON delivers an NVMe-based Intel® SSD DC P3700 Series and new Intel® Cache Acceleration Software for Windows* Workstations (Intel® CAS-W) technology for faster rendering and transmission of modelling data for Oil Search.


XENON UQ Flashlite Case study banner
XENON UQ Flashlite Case study banner XENON Wins Multi-Million Dollar High Performance Computing Contract With University of Queensland

28 Apr 2015

University of Queensland selects XENON for first of its kind FlashLite computer to enable big data research and innovation. This High Performance Computing solution deploys an innovative solution to problems of processing large data sets quickly.


XENON Thales Case Study
XENON Thales Case Study XENON Supports Thales To Deliver High Fidelity For Australian Army Tiger Helicopter Simulator

20 Jan 2015

XENON delivers specialist HPC solution for Thales to power the Australian Army Tiger Helicopter flight simulators.


XENON Futuris Case Study banner
XENON Futuris Case Study banner Intel® and XENON Drive High Performance Innovation at Futuris

19 Jan 2015

Futuris is a world renown car interior design firm with global headquarters in Melbourne. They chose XENON for a high performance computing cluster that enables faster design turn-around, and seamless collaboration across Futuris’ global divisions.
