The University of Queensland’s Research Computing Centre announced that its new data-intensive high performance computer, FlashLite, has set two world records to become the world’s most powerful shared memory server. FlashLite, installed by XENON was configured as an SMP of 128 processors having 1,536 cores and 16 TB RAM, powered by ScaleMP’s vSMP Foundation and running Linux 64bit (CentOS 6.5).
FlashLite set a record CFP2006 Rate result of 33,000, and CINT2006 Rate result of 40,200, beating previous top position SGI UV systems by as much as 29 percent. FlashLite also reached a STREAM Triad benchmark result of 6,367 GB/s, taking the number three position on the STREAM Top 20 list, trailing only two systems which have double the processor count.
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