
XENON Pawsey GPU Topaz Cluster banner
XENON Pawsey GPU Topaz Cluster banner Pawsey Expands GPU Capability with New Topaz Cluster from XENON

30 Mar 2020

Pwsey Supercomputing Centre in Perth selects XENON to deliver new GPU computing cluster to accelerate researcher’s work in areas such as AI & machine learning, data analytics, data visualisation, and computational workloads.


XENON NCI Case Study banner
XENON NCI Case Study banner XENON Expands Computational Resources at NCI for World Class Australian Research

20 Oct 2017

XENON delivers HPC expansion for National Computing Infrastructure (NCI), doubling the capacity available to Australian eResearchers and making the NCI HPC cluster the fastest in Oceania.


XENON NVIDIA TokyoTech Supercomputer banner
XENON NVIDIA TokyoTech Supercomputer banner Tokyo Tech Building Fastest AI Supercomputer

19 Feb 2017

The Tokyo Institute of Technology announced they will be using NVIDIA’s accelerated computing platform to build Japan’s fastest AI supercomputer.


NCI Welcomes 40% Boost in Computational Capacity from January 2017

21 Nov 2016

XENON Systems has been awarded the contract to supply a Lenovo NeXtScale system as an extension of Raijin, NCI’s current peak facility.


XENON UQ Flashlite Case study banner
XENON UQ Flashlite Case study banner UQ Supercomputer Installed by XENON Sets SPEC Benchmark World Records

05 Sep 2016

University of Queensland’s Research Computing Centre announced that its new data-intensive high performance computer, FlashLite, has set two world records to become the world’s most powerful shared memory server.


XENON bragg supercomputer
XENON bragg supercomputer A Computer Worth Bragging About

16 Dec 2013

XENON delivers CSIRO’s ‘Bragg’ cluster, the world’s 10th most energy-efficient supercomputer.
