
XENON RMIT Racing banner
XENON RMIT Racing banner RMIT Racing – 2020 Update

02 Jun 2020

RMIT Racing is a committed group of engineering students who are applying their skills to the challenges of the race track since 1999. XENON is pleased to support RMIT Racing with HPC cluster nodes for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Finite Element Analysis (FEA).


XENON RMIT Racing banner
XENON RMIT Racing banner XENON Power RMIT Racing

18 Jul 2019

RMIT Racing is a team of students who build and race a Formula SAE car. XENON has been proud to support this team of committed individuals with HPC clusters.


XENON Monash University banner
XENON Monash University banner XENON Proud Sponsor of the Monash Motorsport Team

04 Apr 2019

XENON is proud to be sponsoring the Monash Motorsport team for the second consecutive year. XENON provided Monash with an NVIDIA Jetson Xavier Development kit.


XENON CSIRO GPU Computing Support Program banner
XENON CSIRO GPU Computing Support Program banner Robust Control of Continuum Robots using Cosserat Rod Theory

22 Nov 2018

XENON with CSIRO have collaborated to develop the XENON/CSIRO GPU Computing Support Program, aka Student Bragger which provides compute nodes in support of research projects and GPU computing in Australia.


XENON NVIDIA Image Processing with the Jetson TX2s
XENON NVIDIA Image Processing with the Jetson TX2s Image Processing with the Jetson TX2s

13 Jun 2018

The team from Monash Motorsports describes how they are using the NVIDIA Jetson TX2 to process images and identify objects in their autonomous vehicle research.


XENON Carbon Neutral
XENON Carbon Neutral XENON Continues to Support Carbon Neutral with their Plant-a-Tree Program

29 Nov 2016

XENON is a proud supporter of Carbon Neutral’s marvellous Plant-a-Tree program. XENON will continue supporting this highly beneficial program in 2017.
